Arctic Ecosystem

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Points of interest

Limnognathia maerski

This amazing little creature, only a tenth of a millimetre long, apart from being one of the smallest animals in the world, caused a stir in the zoological ...

Phalaropus fulicarius

The red phalarope is a small wader or shorebird, in other words inhabiting shores and muddy ponds. It lives in the Eurasian and North American Arctic ...

Gavia stellata

The red-throated loon is a graceful migratory waterbird distinguished by its silvery livery.In summertime, it acquires breeding plumage with a distinctive ...

Bdelloid rotifers are the most commonly occurring and abundant form of animal life found in polar regions: the explorer Ernest Shackleton, weighing the ...

The shape of the freshwater crustaceans known as notostracans does not seem to have changed since the dinosaur era. To look at, they seem throwbacks to ...