Coastal wetland ecosystems

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Life on the sand

The importance of dune ecosystems and the plant and animal life forms they host.

Points of interest

Species that live permanently or semi-permanently at the bottom of aquatic environments form the ‘benthos’, an immobile or scarcely mobile community ...

This genus includes several very similar species that can be told apart by the arrangement and size of their flowers. The name Salicornia derives from ...

Pancratium maritimum

The sea daffodil is a bulbous perennial plant growing on sandy seashores from the Canary Islands to the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The plant’s bulb ...

The Adriatic coast is populated by numerous species of small fish that live and breed in every nook and cranny. They never venture too far out to sea ...

All microscopic plant organisms found in coastal and lagoon waters belong to the phytoplankton category. Phytoplankton can perform photosynthesis and ...

Charadrius alexandrinus

According to Greek mythology, Caladrius was a legendary snow-white bird that lived in the royal gardens and had magical healing powers. The myth gave ...

Zooplankton are small or microscopic organisms capable of photosynthesis that live suspended in open water, unable to swim against the current. This ecological ...

The sand found on beaches, dunes, riverbeds and the bottoms of lakes, seas and oceans is a clastic sediment derived from the erosion of other rocks. This ...