Arctic Ecosystem

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Krill, best-known as whale-food, is a word of Norwegian origin. But what is krill?Krill is made up of tiny marine crustaceans that inhabit all of the ...

Erignathus barbatus

Bearded seals are commonly found throughout the Arctic. They will happily sunbathe on floating ice, diving nimbly into the water at the first sign of ...

Rissa tridactyla

The black-legged kittiwake is a bird of the Laridae family, which nests on coastal areas in Greenland, North America and Europe. It is a gregarious species ...

Fratercula arctica

Atlantic puffins are attractive and easily recognisable seabirds, especially due to their large beak, which is triangular and multicoloured. This is very ...

Let’s listen to these fin whale sounds recorded in Kongsfjordenduring the month of November 2019 by CNR researchers. The ‘mating song’ of the fin ...

Phytoplankton includes all the photosynthetic organisms of plankton present in the water column, whether at sea and in fresh water environments. Phytoplankton ...

The Alaskan Inuit have over 100 names for the different types of sea ice! Indeed, sea ice has different origins and takes on different forms. In Kongsfjorden, ...

‘Tidewater glaciers’ end at the sea in Arctic fjords and rest on the seabed. This type of glacier loses mass by surface and underwater melting and ...