Arctic Ecosystem

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Points of interest

Branta leucopsis

These geese are very commonly found in Atlantic Northern Europe and migrate to the Arctic at the end of spring to breed. They form stable pairs and both ...

Phalaropus fulicarius

The red phalarope is a small wader or shorebird, in other words inhabiting shores and muddy ponds. It lives in the Eurasian and North American Arctic ...

Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus

An endemic subspecies of reindeer lives on Svalbard that is well adapted to the unusually harsh climate: it is smaller, has shorter legs, a smaller and ...

Gavia stellata

The red-throated loon is a graceful migratory waterbird distinguished by its silvery livery.In summertime, it acquires breeding plumage with a distinctive ...

Vulpes lagopus

‘As cunning as a fox’ is certainly apt where the Arctic fox is concerned! Smaller, with shorter ears and a thick, white winter livery, the Arctic ...

Ursus maritimus

The polar bear is the monarch of the Arctic! The top predator on the food chain, it is a marine animal but cannot withstand freezing weather for long: ...

Salix polaris

The polar willow is one of the most typical and common vascular plants of the Arctic tundra, with circumpolar distribution (it is found in Siberia, the ...

Dryas octopetala

Dryas octopetala, or the mountain avens, is the member of the rose family with the northernmost habitat. It has an unmistakeable white flower with eight ...